throughout the supply chain
Every day, we strive to improve the quality of relationships with our Stakeholders. We create continuous occasions to listen and compare, to understand the context our products are going into, and to gather feedback on what we offer to the market. We believe in improving dialogue as a fundamental step along the road to sustainability.
Dear Stakeholders,
More than 25 years ago, the La Linea Verde Group chose to sink its roots in the land which, over years of passion and commitment, has allowed the company to work with healthy raw materials and international award winning products praised for their quality and freshness.
Today let's not forget this great debt to the earth and to the people who, with their experience cultivate it, for these specific elements are the reason that we have persevered over the years to define our vision of growth.
Careful development, which looks to the future with awareness of the use of natural resources, and which puts our people at the centre as essential capital for development.
Certain that there can be no future without confrontation and commitment to the issues of sustainability with global impact, we are called to take on an important responsibility towards all those who participate in our supply chain system.
We are therefore committed to activities for the protection of the environment, through actions to reduce impacts on the atmosphere and water in the production phases, and energy conversion plans in projects of industrial development in progress, with the ultimate aim of promoting the well-being of all people.
Starting from our 1500 people, whom we protect through a constantly monitored and efficient health and safety at work management system, passing through over 350 farmers, with whom we have signed strict and stringent disciplinary and field certifications for raw material quality that we bring to the consumer's table, and finally reaching all the partners that participate in the realisation of our working model, sharing the principles of the La Linea Verde Group as well as the real cornerstones of our corporate Code of Ethics.
To date, we are drawing the lines of our potential future, in which we put consumers at the centre of interest, considering them our main actors of confrontation towards those new challenges that, not only in the spaces of Corporate Social Responsibility, we feel ready to face, strong in our focus and will that have always represented green business brand.
Domenico Battagliola,
CEO of the La Linea Verde Group